Boundless App for Android and iOS Boundless (previously Axis 360)
Pasadena Library’s private collection of eBooks and eAudiobooks reserved strictly for Pasadena Library card holders. Simply download the app on your devices or visit our Boundless website, enter your library card number, and start browsing!
Download the Overdrive and Libby App to access digital items. Libby App
A collection of eBooks, eAudiobooks, and magazines shared by libraries in the Houston area. Now includes Craftsy classes (Libby app only)! Download on your Android or iOS and start browsing!
Craftsy is an online resource for all creative makers from basic instruction to advanced techniques for over 1,300 courses in fabric and yarn crafts, baking, drawing, photography and much more.  Craftsy is NOW AVAILABLE through the Libby app. Craftsy
Craftsy is an online resource for all creative makers from basic instruction to advanced techniques for over 1,300 courses in fabric and yarn crafts, baking, drawing, photography and much more. Craftsy is NOW AVAILABLE through the Libby app. Simply download the free app, add our library, and look for “Extras” to get started. Access 24/7 from your phone or tablet! Happy Crafting!
Download the Overdrive and Libby App to access digital magazines. Digital Magazines
Access over 3000 magazines through Libby! Visit the link from your browser, or download the Libby app, log in with your library card, and start reading! *Note: To see magazines, you must be logged in to your Pasadena library account.