Library History Highlights

1922    Harris County Library System opened a library station in Pasadena with about 100 books.  The library was only open on Saturdays and customers were limited to three books at a time.
1929    Bond approved for new fire station, city hall & library building. The library occupied the right end.
1941    Library temporarily moved to Ola Mae Kennedy house on West Broadway.
1946    Library moved from Ola Mae Kennedy house to Pasadena’s school district office.
1953    Shell Oil Company built and donated to the city its first free standing library. Opened March 2, 1953 - It was a one story building of modern design, located on Tater Street (today Pasadena Blvd.) between Thomas & Harris Street.  County library system book collection returned to Harris County.

1962    Moved library to 1201 Minerva location.
1970    David Coronado Neighborhood Center Library opened.
1974    Doubled the size of main library.
1978    Began automating library operations.
1979    Began offering free tax help.

1982    Provided public with access to an Apple computer.
1987    Began checking out videos.
1989    Began circulating compact discs.
1991    Received LSCA grant for branch library construction.
1992    Opened Fairmont Branch Library.

1997    Public direct access to Internet.
2000    Received Gates Foundation grant.
2001    Opened Public Computer Lab with Gates Foundation grant.
2003    Celebrated library’s 50th Anniversary; Created library web page.
2004    Began renovation of Central Library with foundation repairs.

2006    Received Brown Foundation grant for $250,000; Received Houston Endowment grant for $500,000.
2007    Began renovation of the Central Library with 9,300 sq. ft. addition.
2016    Renovation of restrooms and bookstore.

Detailed History

Pomeroy, C. D. (1993). Pasadena: The early years. Pasadena, TX: Pomerosa Press.
Pomeroy, C. D. (2011). Historic Pasadena, Texas: An illustrated history. San Antonio, TX: Historical Pub. Network.
Yesteryears in Pasadena 1895-1941: A collection of oral histories of long time residents of Pasadena, Texas. (1987). Pasadena, TX: The Harris County Genealogical Society.