Upcoming Events

Sep 11 2024 - 6:00pm
Greeting Adventurers! We will be doing the next session of our current campaign. To sign-up to join our party please contact Edson at 713-477-0276. . . ¡Saludos aventureros! Haremos la próxima sesión de nuestra campaña actual! Para registrarse para unirse a nuestro grupo, comuníquese con Edson al... more
Sep 12 2024 - 10:00am
Need help with your Financial Aid application, resume, job or college application or just need some help with career exploration? GRADcafé is at Central Library for in-person help in English or Spanish every Thursday from 10:00AM to 6:00PM. No appointment is necessary. For more informaiton, please... more
Sep 12 2024 - 10:30am
Join us at our Fairmont Library and prepare your child for a lifetime of learning through reading, playing, singing, and talking. Age Group:0-Kinder . . Acompáñanos en nuestra Biblioteca Fairmont y prepare a su hijo para una vida de aprendizaje leyendo, jugando, cantando y hablando. Grupo de... more
Sep 12 2024 - 10:30am
Join us at our Fairmont Library and prepare your child for a lifetime of learning through reading, playing, singing, and talking. Age Group:0-Kinder . . Acompáñanos en nuestra Biblioteca Fairmont y prepare a su hijo para una vida de aprendizaje leyendo, jugando, cantando y hablando. Grupo de... more
Sep 12 2024 - 5:00pm
Enjoy some popcorn with fellow film fans and watch this movie about a would-be comic (Robert De Niro), who is desperate to become famous and impress a woman he loves, he takes a beloved talk-show host to land an appearance on his TV show. Directed by Martin Scorcese. See the movie and join the... more
Sep 12 2024 - 6:00pm
Discover your inner artist! Join Ms. Lily to explore different art styles, become an artist, and create pieces of art. . . ¡Descubre tu artista interior! Únase a la Sra. Lily para explorar diferentes estilos artísticos, convertirse en artista y crear obras de arte.
Sep 12 2024 - 6:00pm
Celebrate the Hispanic Heritage month with this fun craft.  You will be creating your own colorful pinata using a paper bag and streamers.  Don't miss this exciting event! . . Celebre el mes de la Herencia Hispana con esta divertida manualidad.  Crearás tu propia piñata colorida usando una bolsa... more
Sep 14 2024 - 10:00am
Calling all badged makers! The Maker Lab at PPL now has open lab hours available for all of our badged makers! Times slots are first come, first served. Makers must be badged in the machine requested to use. 1 Hour time slots are available for each of our Maker Lab machines. Computers in the Maker... more
Sep 14 2024 - 10:00am
FOL General Meeting
Our Friends of the Library are a very active group, managing the Central Library bookstore, sponsoring library programs and hosting social events. Come and find your part, whether as a volunteer on a particular team, or as an officer! Annual officer elections take places at today's meeting. Give... more
Sep 16 2024 - 11:00am
SEPTEMBER 16_ CRICUT Orientation
Learn how to operate the Cricut Maker 3, create designs, and make reservations to use it for your own projects after attending this orientation. Registration Required: Please fill out the form below or register by calling the library at 713-477-0276. . Aprenda a operar Cricut Maker 3, cree... more

Monday, July 22, 2024

Time Items
All day
Jul 22 2024 - 11:00am to 12:00pm
Jul 22 2024 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm